Paris-Berlin Workshop : Gross Berlin, Geschichtesschreibung und Stadtpolitik
This seminar aims to examine conjunctural interferences between the historiographical work on the Greater Berlin (social history and urban forms) and the narrative of the politicians and makers of the city (elected, edible and architects).
This proposal is based on the empirical observation that in Berlin, at crucial moments of its metropolitan development, there has been a strong mutual involvement between academics, designers and actors.
This was noticeable in the years following the Reunification when expert and academics groups – historians, mediators and architects – were solicited by the Senate of Construction and / or Urbanism to justify a specific doctrine for the urban projects, that of "Critical Reconstruction". At the same time that, a historical "Revision" was taking place towards the architectural legacy of East Germany.
Going back decades of the last century, we found similar implications, but conversely, they have served the modernist discourse in favor of demolition and urban renewal.
We will try to present the conditions of this "history in debate", particularly lively in Berlin: ie the epistemological stakes and the institutional positioning of historians when they participate as actors in the transformations of the present time. We will try to mirror, for Berlin, the interrogation of Marc Bloch on the part of engagement of the historians in their time.
Our Berlin colleagues will therefore be asked to shed more light on :
- The current themes of research on the history of Greater Berlin and emerging issues, according to the scientific fields.
- The crossing of agendas of historians and political actors for the century of Greater Berlin (1920-2120).
Scientific Organization : Corinne Jaquand