The 1970s ushered in a paradoxical period. They were the golden age of metropolitan planning, yet implementation of these plans triggered multiple criticisms that challenged the fundamentals of planning. Publication of the SDRIF (Schéma directeur de la région Île-de-France) in 1976 marked the symbolic beginning of this period, which can be interpreted as both the era of capitalistic globalisation of metropolitan planning (in Latin America, Egypt, Southeast Asia, etc.) and a period of embracing new paradigms. Paris is emblematic of the latter, with a renewed focus on the historical city, reflections on green spaces and on maintaining agriculture and silviculture in major urban areas, and limiting large-scale housing programmes. In certain countries (including the UK, Egypt and Japan), this changing paradigm resulted in a planning crisis, whereas other countries – including France – attempted to adapt it to the new social and governance challenges.
Proceedings from the Symposium on 1 et 2 décembre 2016 ENSA Paris Belleville
Le Grand Paris des villages métropolitains : La stratégie de la banlieue « bleue » face à l’expansion parisienne dans les années 1970. L’exemple de Sceaux
L’avènement du polycentrisme ou l’effacement symbolique des territoires : Une lecture des documents de planification pour la région parisienne au prisme des gares (1960 – 2013)